Exporting data from Enviromint's Deal Manager
Easily export Transactions, Agents, and Profiles from Deal Manager by Enviromint for the purposes of importing into the Iluminai platform.
Request access to the Enviromint Deal Manager report
Iluminai has partnered with Enviromint to provide an easy method to export Transactions, Agents, and Profile related data from Deal Manager.
Prior to exporting data from Deal Manager, access must first be granted to the report by Enviromint.
You can request access to the report by contacting the Enviromint support team at support@enviromint.com and asking for the "Iluminai Deals, Agents, and Contacts" report to be made available to each of your brokerages/offices.
Running the Enviromint Deal Manager report
Once you have received confirmation that access to the Iluminai Deals, Agents, and Contacts report has been granted, proceed with the following steps below.
Within Deal Manager, from the main Reporting area, navigate to Deals → Iluminai → Deals, Agents, and Contacts as seen in the screenshot below
Enviromint Deal Manager Reporting area Once at the report generation screen, you will be presented options for filtering Brokerages (or offices) and date filtering
Deal Manager - Iluminai Deals, Agents, and Contacts report - Provide the date range for the period in question, for example, a complete export of your data to meet FINTRAC reporting obligations, or just catching up for the last month
Once you’ve generated the required reports for each of your Brokerages or offices, please take a moment to verify that the information contained within each is correct.
Finally, prior to importing the resulting report(s) from Deal Manager, please be sure to open and re-save as plain text CSV (UTF-8) files.
Importing the Enviromint Deal Manager report
See the information contained within Importing Data from Third Parties when you are ready to import the report data into the Iluminai platform.